Returning J-1 Researchers and Professors

The U.S. Department of State has certain restrictions on J-1 researchers and professors who make repeat visits to the U.S. to begin new programs. This does not apply to those who travel, extend, or transfer their DS-2019 during one consecutive period of time. However, if a J-1 researcher or professor completes an exchange visit and wishes to return to the U.S. for another exchange visit, restrictions may apply in the following situations:

  • The visitor was in J-1 status in the U.S. during the previous twelve months of the planned re-entry date; AND
  • The visitor's previous stay(s) in J-status was a total of six months or more.

Please contact an advisor at Berkeley International Office for information about planning future visits to the U.S. in J-1 status, especially if it is likely that the return visit will be within twelve months of completing your current visit.

See also The 24-Month Bar and the 2 Year Home Residency Requirement.